Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

June 13, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Salida Sanitary District was called to order by President Gary Horton at 6:00 p.m.  Other Directors present were Gary Dew, Lana Moore, Donna Murphy and Brad Johnson.  Others present were District Manager-Engineer Antonio Tovar, and Secretary Linda Walker.  Attorney Dennis L. Hay was in attendance virtually.


Members of the public were invited to address the Board, but no comments were made.


The minutes of the regular meeting held May 9, 2024 were unanimously approved as submitted.


Bills of the District totaling $188,139.20 were presented for payment.  A motion was made by Director Moore, and seconded by Director Murphy, to adopt Resolution No. 1777, “Resolution Authorizing Payment of Bills.”


District Manager-Engineer Antonio Tovar’s report included the following:


1.      Final submission of the Salida Recycled Water Planning Study to the State Water Resources Control Board was completed.  Staff is preparing the final reimbursement grant request.

2.      Four (4) staff members attended the California Water Environment Association’s Sewer System Spill Workshop, which was held in Ripon.

3.      Staff is in the process of making repairs to aeration diffusers at one of the ICEAS tanks.

4.      Staff has responded to over 500 underground service location requests over the past two weeks.


President Horton reported he and Director Moore attended a J.P.A. meeting on June 4, 2024.  He has the agenda packet from that meeting available, should anyone wish to review it.  The Mello-Roos bonds will be paid off in September of 2028.


A motion was made by Director Dew, seconded by Director Moore and on vote unanimously carried to adopt Resolution No. 1778, “Resolution Scheduling Public Hearing on Service Charge Report.” Resolution No. 1778 schedules the Public Hearing for the Service Charge Report on July 11th at 6:00 p.m. and directs the Secretary to prepare the report, which contains a description of each parcel receiving sewer service, and the amount of charges for the fiscal year for each parcel.


Director Murphy moved to accept the renewal of the workers compensation insurance policy from Zenith Insurance Company.  The motion was seconded by Director Johnson, and on vote unanimously carried.









District Manager-Engineer Antonio Tovar presented to the Board, a proposed operations, maintenance and capital improvements budget for the fiscal year 2024-2025.  A motion was

made by Director Dew, seconded by Director Moore, and on vote unanimously carried to adopt Resolution No. 1779, “Resolution Adopting Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.”


Director Murphy moved to approve an increase to purchase order #2023-025 with True Blue Automation in the amount of $6,250.00 for additional work necessary to complete the

emergency bypass system for the ICEAS basins.  The motion was seconded by Director Dew, and on vote unanimously carried.


As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned.









President of the Board